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Brand Voice Strategy Guide.
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Workshop different verticals:
Financial Institutions
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Loan officer
Customer service representative, whether it’s a teller, branch manager, or call-center rep
CEO and/or another executive team member
The data they should bring:
Number of loans closed each month and the type of loans
Number of customers that came into branches versus digital banking
Number of multiproduct households
What products are bringing in the most revenue
The stories you might find behind that data:
People who provide you the most business
People you want to impact but don’t seem to be reaching
First-time homeowners
Retirees who have used your products and services to build a nest egg so they could enjoy their golden years
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Faculty—teachers and administrative professors
Advancement team member
Alumni board member
The data they should bring:
Students in a program you want to elevate
End-of-semester surveys from students
Instructor hours of instruction versus hours put into research
Instructor-to-student ratios
Final grades
The stories you might find behind that data:
The demographic of students who are enrolled in your classes/program/department
Students you want to impact but don’t seem to be reaching
If your curriculum is achievable, whether it is lacking in some areas, or too difficult to grasp in others
Whether you need to elevate enrollment numbers or build a stronger relationship with people currently in the program (from instructors to admins to students)
B2B SaaS
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Executive team member
SaaS platform developer
Customer service/IT help desk representatives
The data they should bring:
Number of users
Geography breakdown of where users are located
Customer journey or how an end user finds their way to the end product
Surveys/feedback from the end users
The stories you might find behind that data:
People who provide you the most business
People you want to impact but don’t seem to be reaching
People who have gained experiential knowledge from the platform and have accordingly gone on to build a new career or grow their business
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Executive team member
Customer service representative—online or in-person contact with the customer
Customer service/IT help desk representatives
The data they should bring:
Number of sales
Point-of-sale data to track the most popular and weakest link on where sales are happening
Geography breakdown of online users or in-store customers
Surveys/feedback from the buyers as well as surveys from your internal team
The stories you might find behind that data:
People who provide you the most business
People you want to impact but don’t seem to be reaching
Stories your customers share with your salespeople at checkout that give you a closer look at motivations and the psychographics of your customers
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Executive team member
Researcher(s)—computational, life sciences, etc.
Administrative team member, be it finance, human resources, etc.
If you’ve gone to market, a sales representative or someone who works with the end user
The data they should bring:
Number of journal publications and earned-media hits
In what journals and media outlets your research can be found
Business partnerships—how many you have and with whom
Surveys/feedback from end users and internal team members
The stories you might find behind that data:
In what area you are showing up as subject matter experts/who is paying attention
Whether your message matches what you hoped it would
What your business partners—the people you work alongside—reflect about the company you keep, and how they can help you elevate your work
Nonprofit Organizations
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
Veteran employee
New hire
Executive team member
The data they should bring:
Donor dollars raised
Who your donors are
Where your donors are located
How many programs are currently running
Number of people taking part in and impacted by each program
The stories you might find behind that data:
Why the people you impact sought your services in the first place—how you helped them move forward
Impact on the people who live in the communities where your programs run
How people view your work and its importance
People who could come to the table to bring you diversity of thought and fresh perspective:
If you have employees, one that is as “veteran” as you can get
New hire
Business partners or collaborators
The data they should bring:
Investment dollars so far
Who is investing in your company
Month-on-month data to show where trends are starting to emerge
Surveys from end users
The stories you might find behind that data:
Why investors chose your business for their investment dollars—, the answers they give you will help you build your brand voice.
Where you have strengths and where you need to pivot
How you have been responsible with investment dollars and how investments went toward reaching your desired outcomes